Lab News
September 16, 2024: The Roberson Lab welcomes our new Post-doc, Ryan Finnerty!
August 27, 2024: Elle, Elizabeth, and LeCaine traveled for the Santa Cruz Developmental Biology meeting and had a joyous time. Elizabeth and LeCaine both gave awesome posters on their work!
August 26, 2024: Natalia Weinzierl starts her rotation with us. Welcome!
May 3, 2024: Elizabeth and LeCaine represented the Roberson Lab in Fort Collins, CO at the Rocky Mountain Reproductive Sciences Symposium.
March 3, 2024: The team had a blast at the southwest regional meeting of the Society of Developmental Biology (SWSDB), held here at CU Anschutz! Elle presented a talk as an invited speaker, and LeCaine and Elizabeth presented posters. Elizabeth was also awarded 1st place for best PRA/tech poster presentation - congrats!
February 27, 2024: Gabi Padilla starts her rotation with us. Welcome!
October 20, 2023: Elle’s postdoctoral work on the role of Hedgehog signaling in the adult cycling mouse uterus is officially published in iScience!
October 6, 2023: Congratulations to Elle for becoming a faculty member in the Cell Biology, Stem Cells, and Development Program (CSD)!!!
September 5, 2023: Wendy Zhang starts her rotation with us. The first of many for the Roberson Lab!
July 17, 2023: LeCaine Barker joins the lab as a Research Assistant. Welcome!
July 14, 2023: Elle presents her talk on how hedgehog signaling cyclically remodels the adult uterus at the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) in Ottawa, Canada.
July 6, 2023: The first McKey-Roberson lab meeting with new team members!
July 5, 2023: Welcome to Elizabeth Ung, a Research Assistant in the Roberson Lab!
April 26, 2023: The pipettes have arrived in lab.
January 4, 2023: The Roberson Lab arrives at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus!